- Saturday, 23 March, 2024
- Sydney Motor Sport Park Ferres road Eatsern Creek
Cost: NIL – Races starts at 230pm
Transport: Please meet at Greenacres at 1pm. The bus leaves Greenacres at 110pm to travel to Eastern Creek Raceway. The bus will be back at 8pm for pickup at Greenacres.
What to bring:
- Hat, sunscreen and money to purchase merchandise or any food/drinks.
Important: Greenacres provides support to people with disability to meet their goals. Staff support and transport will be billed to your NDIS plan. If you are not receiving support services from Greenacres, we must assess your support needs before accepting your booking request. There may be limitations on the venue’s seats, so get your request in early.
Note: If the activity you are interested in starts within the next 7 days, please call us at 1800 Imagine or 1800 462 446 to ensure you get a spot.
Contact: If you need help or need a cancellation on the day, please contact Greenacres at the on-call number 0429 032 249.
How to make a Booking Request:
- Click on or tap “Add to My Activities.”
- Fill in your details in “My Activities.”
- Click on or tap the button “Submit.”
- We’ll be sure to contact you shortly about your request.